S. Edgar & Delora L. Lauther Memorial Scholarship
Established by the estate of Delora L. Lauther. Mr. and Mrs. Lauther lived in Columbus for many years. Mr. Lauther was a former president of Irwin Union Bank & Trust Co.
Established by the estate of Delora L. Lauther. Mr. and Mrs. Lauther lived in Columbus for many years. Mr. Lauther was a former president of Irwin Union Bank & Trust Co.
Established with a bequest from the estate of Mrs. Steinbarger to provide four-year scholarships to area students to attend Indiana University.
Established in memory of Michael R. Rogers by his friends and family to honor Michael’s dedication to Christian education.
Established in memory of Duane Barrows, a coach at Columbus High School, who died in an auto accident in 1979. Coach Barrows led the Columbus High School swimming team to six state swimming championships.
Established by Dr. and Mrs. Probst to assist students attending medical school. Dr. Probst, M.D., grew up in Dearborn County and practiced dermatology for more than 30 years in Columbus. The Probsts are lifelong members of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod.
Established by friends, colleagues and family to honor the memory of Dave Galle and his work in our community. Dave was a man of quiet strength and integrity, who treated others with respect and compassion. He also understood the value of education and its ability to improve quality of life. As executive director of the Community Education Coalition, Dave championed efforts to increase availability of quality education in our region, from pre-K through the postsecondary level. His greatest wish was to ensure that students in our region would have the opportunity to pursue education that could lead to well-paying employment, regardless of income, race or background.