SAVE THE DATE: Love Where You Live Celebration Coming Oct. 5 in Downtown Columbus. Learn More

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Heritage Fund’s diverse board represents our community at large

2024 Board of Directors

Lori Thompson, Chair

Alice Johnson, Vice Chair

Phil Luzius, Secretary

Michelle Schaefer, Treasurer

Tracy H. Souza, President & CEO

Steve Baker

Jeff Brown

Brad Davis

Johnnie Edwards

Mary Ferdon

Katie Glick

Tracy Haddad

Thomas Harmon

Reinhold Hill

Sarla Kalsi

Maggie Kamman

Carl Lienhoop

Rev. Dr. Felipe Martinez 

Anuja Mazgaonkar

Courtney Metzger 

Lora Mount 

Kathy Oren

Aida Ramirez

Nicholas Sprague 

Mark Stewart

John Whittington 

Jeff Wiltrout