Bartholomew County Public Library Fund
Agency Fund established in 1994 by Bartholomew County Public Library
Agency Fund established in 1994 by Bartholomew County Public Library
Agency Fund established in 2001 on the completion of the Veterans Memorial for its maintenance and care
Field of Interest Fund established in 2006 to support literacy in Bartholomew County
Designated Fund established in 1987 by Dean and Martha Taylor
Designated Fund established in 1999 by Lyndsey, Dave and Janet Gray
Field of Interest Fund established in to enhance the quality of life for the African American community, and therefore the broader community.
Purpose: To improve the African American community in Bartholomew County through education, leadership development, economic/career development, health awareness, and arts and culture.
Agency Fund established in 2011 to provide support the Anderson Community Center (formally Eastside Community Center)
Field of Interest Fund established in with a grant from the Lilly Endowment, Inc to establish a Revolving Loan Fund as a tool to help ensure existing buildings and landscapes are property cared for and maintained into the future. Its existence will also engage property owners in a larger, more holistic vision for the care of the built environment and will encourage the broader community to address maintenance issues before they become cost-prohibitive
Agency Fund established in 2004 to support Atterbury Bakalar Air Museum
Agency Fund established in 1993 by Cal and Betty Brand to support to the Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation