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Analytical Engineering, Inc. (AEI) Scholarship


Established by Analytical Engineering, Inc. (AEI) owners David and Angie May to assist and encourage students with financial need and are diligent in their studies to pursue careers in technical fields such as engineering, computer science, or the physical sciences.


  • Graduating seniors from a Bartholomew County public, private or home school; or Trinity Lutheran High School.
  • Applicant must plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a technical field such as engineering, computer science, or the physical sciences at an accredited post-secondary institution.
  • Applicant must have at least a 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • Preference given to students with financial need.

Begin accepting applications

Date Not Available

Application Deadline

Date Not Available

Scholarship amount

Scholarship Applied Toward
Tuition & Qualified Educational Expenses


Contact Scholarship Manager Jeanette Marsh at