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Fred L. Armstrong Future Leaders Scholarship


Established in 2011 by the many friends and colleagues of former Mayor Fred L. Armstrong, to honor his many years of dedication and service to the city of Columbus. Mayor Armstrong started on the Columbus Police Department and then served as Mayor of Columbus from 1996 to 2011.


  • City of Columbus resident and U.S. citizen who attends or plans to attend an accredited post-secondary educational institution, full- or part-time.
  • Preference will be given to active duty or reserve/guard military personnel, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) students, and retired military veterans.
  • Applicants may re-apply annually.

Begin accepting applications

October 1, 2024

Application Deadline

January 30, 2025, 4pm

Scholarship amount

Scholarship Applied Toward
Tuition & Qualified Educational Expenses
Available on the Combined Application


Contact Scholarship Manager Jeanette Marsh at