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Patrick Bowman Memorial Music Fund


Established in memory of Patrick Bowman by his parents, Rick and Judy Bowman, as well as family and friends, to honor Patrick’s love of music. Patrick performed as a country music singer and songwriter under the stage name “Tilford Sellers” for nearly 10 years until his tragic death in an automobile accident in 2018. This fund may be used for tuition and/or music-related expenses such as music/songwriting lessons, equipment, travel, recording fees, etc.


  • U.S. resident up to age 35 who is pursuing an education or career in music.
  • Preference will be given to guitar players, songwriters and/or country music performers whose music most closely aligns with Patrick’s style of traditional country music.

Begin accepting applications

October 1, 2024

Application Deadline

December 31, 2024, 4pm

Scholarship amount

Scholarship Applied Toward
Tuition & Qualified Educational Expenses
Available on Bowman Application


Contact Scholarship Manager Jeanette Marsh at